Wednesday, December 08, 2004

2. ROSSIAN Blogs

Philosopher W.D Ross discusses prima facie duties, duties that were not absolute but that had to be negotiated with respect to one another. When making decisions about your blog, do any of the following values or duties cross your mind? If so, which? Can you rank them?

Minimizing Harm to Others
Free Expression
Factual Truth

Are there any values/duties you feel should be weighed in a discussion of Blogging?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Transparency" is not spelled "Transpanrecy." If you can't take the time to spell-check the questions, I'm not going to take the time to answer them seriously.

(Jay Tea,

8:00 PM  
Blogger Martin said...


You have hit on a bad habit of mine. I have made the change and checked all five posts.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Eric Muller said...

Factual truth crosses my mind, mostly when I'm blogging about the Japanese American internment.

Etiquette crosses my mind only when I think some other blogger has been egregiously rude.

I don't think about transparency at all.

As for accountability, when several days go by without my posting, I do notice that I have occasional pangs of something like (but not exactly) guilt. It's not really that I think I *owe* regular readers daily posts. I suppose instead it's that I know that if I don't post regularly my readership will rapidly dissipate.

I don't really think of my blog as posing much of a risk of harm to others, so I don't really think about minimizing it.

"Free expression" *never* crosses my mind. Ever. It's way too abstract a concept.

The main thing that I think about didn't make your list: entertainment. I want a goodly percentage of my posts to be at least modestly entertaining. That's the thing I think about most of all.

10:49 PM  
Blogger Stumbling Bumbler said...

I try to be as transparent and accountable as possible, which I suppose means being truthful. I've never been in a position to really harm anyone else, but I try hard not to make personal attacks, though I'll call a spade a spade.

With free expression and etiquette, I suppose these are somewhat in conflict. I generally don't view blogging as a social activity where I have my fellow travellers and we fight "the other side." If someone makes a lame point, I'll be fairly direct about pointing it out, regardless of their politics, though again, I try hard to avoid personal attacks.

John A. Kalb

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My ranking:

Free Expression
Factual Truth
Minimizing Harm to Others

The ability to say whatever I like is part of the reason to have a blog. Accountability and factual truth are vital to backing up any opinion or argument I might make, however. Transparency has some value, I guess, but ultimately accountability takes care of that, doesn't it? Minimizing harm to others is more important than transparency, anyway - I have no desire to ruin anyone's life or self-esteem via my blog. As for etiquette, however - well, screw that. The Internet is no tea party. I say what I think and back it up as best I can. I try not to ruin anyone's life, but it's impossible to be opinionated without stepping on a few toes.

(By the way, I'm the person above who mentioned real-world friends as stakeholders.)


12:16 PM  
Blogger fred said...

Free expression is most important. The other four elements only hinder free expression.

4:08 PM  
Blogger Tom Hanna said...

Etiquette should not even be listed in a discussion on ethics. Etiquette is a social convention while ethics is about morally correct action. Ethics is not etiquette and etiquette is not ethics. Here's an excellent short piece on the subject.

These are important to some degree.

1. Free Expression
2. Factual Truth
3. Transparency

Free expression is what it's all about.

As to factual truth, I'd say that blogs are often the home of satire and hyperbole; those without the intelligence to recognize it or with an agenda that requires ignoring it when it's in front of their face may wrongly complain about lack of "factual truth."

Transparency, by which I assume you mean full disclosure of any conflicts of interest, is important as a corollary of the need to be factually correct.

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Free expression
2. Factual truth (with my spin on it)
3. Minimizing harm to others--the funniest stuff that happens to me happens at work (a library), and I have specific instructions NOT to talk about these interactions.

12:43 AM  
Blogger ShellyS said...

Mostly, I blog about my life, post links, and talk about my feelings and opinions. I try to be an ethical person, so I try to blog accordingly. Some people might not like what I say, but that's true offline as well as on. I do censor myself a bit re: profanity, but that doesn't mean I never use profane words. And when I link to things, I leave it up to people to believe what they find on those sites. I just write what I feel like writing based on the theme of each particular blog. I have a few.

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Free Expression is first.

Factual Truth is close behind, though hyperbole, humor, and guesswork may minimize that. But guesswork should be noted as such, not defined as fact.

Accountability is also critical, as it's an adjunct to the truth. Errors should be noted publicly and corrected.

Transparency may vary. I use my real name and disclose any reasons for my biases. Others don't, for various reasons, some valid. It's not as critical an issue as the others.

I'd rank Informative/Entertaining high, as I seek to deliver value to readers.

Etiquette is important to me, though mostly it's in play with proper crediting of sources.

Minimizing Harm To Others is too vague to even be in ths list. If I report something that harms the rep of an elected official, but it benefits voters to know this, it has a harm/benefit ratio. So I'd rather turn this category to a proactive title of "Pursuing a Greater Good for most info-consumers".

I would add to your list my own preference for two-way interaction. Blogs without comments are generally annoying, for cutting off dialogue from readers.

Kevin Hayden
The American Street

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that factual truth is the primary duty in my blogging. This is usually a difficult target in my profession (IT), so I'd really define truth there as concretely provable by code. There is a religious layer above that that is hard to penetrate!

I'd suggest that accountability is not a duty, but rather a built-in attribute of the blog. Really, the attribution built into entering into your own blog is the real differentiating factor that seperates the quality of content from the typical posting on a newsgroup. Etiquette seems to be preserved in blogging because of the direct attribution.

Free Expression usually equates to boring as hell.

Minimizing harm is not a consideration, as long as you make a good effort at factual truth, especially in a professional context.

Mike Conway

6:24 PM  
Blogger ElisaC said...

Value #1: Free Expression (when it comes to my personal blogs of course): Otherwise, why bother?

Value #2: Factual truth: About other people and situations. I'm not horrified by people who create a persona and write fictional stories online. If someone finds the stories compelling, entertaining, touching...then what are they complaining about, simply because it's fiction, not fact?

However, I don't think bloggers should lie about other people or real-life situations...isn't that simply libel or slander, or whichever one applies to written word?

Which leads me to:

Value #3 and 3a: Etiquette. I am constantly amazed at how unnecessarily rude and vicious can be cloaked in the anonymity of the web. I can be snarky, but I honestly try not to write flames, or if i do i really try to veil the identity of the flamee, so they probably wouldn't even recognize themselves! Which I suppose means that I care about Minimizing Harm To Others.

Value #4: I think Transparency has two implications. Some people think it means transparency about one's identity, which I think can never be guaranteed online, and everyone just ought to deal with it and be as suspicious or cynical as they think they need to be in that regard. I don't think people should be obligated to tell you who they "are."

But transparency about one's biases, one's relationships...that seems like an important value to maintain. The reason people are so bent out of shape about both BZZAgent concept and the Marqui blogger concept is that there is no requirement for either the BzzAgent or the Marqui blogger to reveal that connection.

Value #5: Accountability. To be honest I don't feel accountability is something I think about too much. I don't expect many people to even read what I say, so I don't think about catching flak for it.

I guess I do feel accountable when it comes to citing references and authorship. I spend a lot of time making sure I find and cite the post that sparks me to write something, if I can. But that's more back-end accountability, not accountability for the content of what I write.

7:39 PM  
Blogger streamusique said...

To be transparent it what one writes, is to be accountable to free expression and factual truth, which in turn minimizes harm to others and adheres to a certain blogging etiquette.

3:38 AM  
Blogger DocRichard said...

My priorities:
Trying not to be nerdish
Avoiding spellos and grammatical infelicities
Putting the Boot into Lying liars and the lies they tell;
Factual Truth
Minimizing Harm to Others
Free Expression

7:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to speak about:"striving for Factual Truth":under the jewish law there is a very important distinction i think between factual truth and a real truth.Somtimes the mere presenting of brute facts is the greatest enemy of telling the real thing,the true story.That's a philosophical yet practical insight.

10:29 PM  
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4:08 AM  
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12:38 AM  
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10:18 AM  
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10:51 AM  
Anonymous obat kutil kelamin said...

You have hit on a bad habit of mine. I have made the change and checked all five posts.

3:23 AM  
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10:49 PM  
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8:19 AM  
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Nice Post

12:05 AM  
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12:14 AM  
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Makasih gan udah share infonya. Sangat membantu

7:46 AM  
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Nice post

7:52 AM  
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7:54 AM  
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5:35 AM  
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5:38 AM  
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8:32 AM  
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Nice post gan, sangat membantu

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1:15 PM  
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1:21 PM  
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4:56 AM  

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